Monday, September 2, 2019

Ahhh, Yes!
Made it to labor day, and of course, have been laboring around the house.  Put a new screen on the bedroom window, and I will say, who ever invented the DIY, screen kit, was a pathetic engineer.  Nothing fit, and the plastic corners broke instantly.  With a little McGyvering, got it done.

Took the first two rounds of radiation last week, at The UW Carbone center.  That place is incredible and they know what they are doing.  I have three more to go starting tomorrow.  The treatment was so easy, but I did find myself very tired, which I think is common.
I've gotten used to the morphine twice a day, which I'm aware, that may come back and bite me one day, but hopefully after the radiation, I will be able to stop taking it.

Yeap, it's cancer, and all in all, there are worse things in life.  Fighting in a war, maybe being in prison, yeah there are worse things.  I look at it this way, it's just another adventure, and I think, if a person doesn't have an ongoing adventure, then what's the point.

Happy Labor Day, everybody, or what ever you might be celebrating today.  If you have nothing to celebrate, try life.  You might find that celebration, very refreshing.

Of course, we might, just be doing a little faster than some.

Till Next Time

Your Friend; 
Kelley McGuiness

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