Sunday, August 18, 2019

I must admit, my attitude has changed drastically.
After a year and a half of doctors telling me what is going to happen, and in some cases, when it's going to happen, I'm listening anymore.  40 MG of morphine/day might help that a bit.  I do have a rather obtuse personality.
One day my weight got, at least to me, critically low.  I have realized that I am eating to healthy.  So, I go out, have a great big burger, fries, you know, stuff that will hurt you, or so they say.  It worked, and now I do this occasionally.  The weight is coming back.
The medication?  Listen to the doctors, but regulate yourself to what works, and is comfortable.
Chemo?  Well that didn't work, it apparently did nothing, except make somebody a lot of money.
With this all said, I am recommending a, low dose of radiation to minimize this tumor that is right there.  The doctors seem to agree.
Although, I'm retired now, I still work around the house, vigorously, and yes, sometimes to the point of straining a bit, and I still feel good.
I just, and quite suddenly, realized, I'm my own doctor.
Why?   Because it's seems to be working, and if it works, then, why not?
I'm not listening anymore, I'm doing!

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