Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24., 2019

You fight your Cancer with everything you have, but Cancer is only part of the battle.

It seems that way in the beginning, on that first day, The VA, choose my path.  Just after they discovered that my colon had ruptured, I was sent by ambulance to UW Health, in Madison, Wisconsin.  As it turned out, The VA had no hospital beds available, so I was put up overnight at UW Health, then the next morning, was moved to The VA, ninth floor surgery area.

Several months later I received a call from UW Health advising me to pay my bill for the overnight stay.  As it appears, Th VA didn't pay the bill, because UW Health charged them twice.  Now, I'm getting threatening calls from UW Health about none payment.  The VA said everything was taken care of.
It's beginning to become apparent to me, that Bureaucracy has thrown me under the bus, as due to both's incompetence, my credit rating is about to take a hit.  Boy, talk about kicking a guy when he's down.
There are so many other things that fall on you during treatment.  My job is sympathetic, but when it comes down to not feeling good occasionally, due to Chemo, they become like a pack of wet cats, annoyed that they have a little extra work to do.  It's not extra work, it's the things they should have been doing anyways.
It appears, the longer you live, the more of a burden you become.
In all actuality, it's about their problem with dealing with it. I guess they would have been more comfortable if I had just passed in the two months I was given by The Doctors.
The hospitals are batting me around like a volleyball, and others around me are wondering why I have made it so long.
Sadly, the stress of all this is getting to me, and am considering, stopping my treatments and letting nature take it's course.
Why am I saying all this?  It's simple!  I'm growing weary of the fight to survive.
Just recent thoughts about all this.

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