Sunday, July 21, 2019

I can't believe Summer has gone by this fast, then of course working didn't help that.  I solved that issue, several weeks ago by retiring.  I didn't need the stress of all of that, and am feeling almost human again.
I haven't been talking about the cancer problem much recently either.  At this point, there doesn't seem much use in caring anymore.  I will tell you some of the things that have been happening.
Back in June, my Oncologist told me that the Folfox treatment wasn't working, and the tumors on the Liver were expanding.  Funny, you think that they might have realized that after a year, then again, I wonder if they had time to bother.  The thing is, I'm being treated by residents that move on as fast as Donald Trumps Cabinet Members.
With that said, my last Oncologist, in May, put me on a new drug called, Irinotecan.  By the way, while I was on this drug, my cancer marker, or CEA, went from 45 to 100 in 4 weeks.  Now this drug is evil.  I was getting severe stomach cramping, headaches, etc...  After 8 weeks of this I voiced my concern to The Doctor, he said what I was going thru was normal.
Then one day in his office, he told me they were stopping the chemo all together.  He looked at me with a frown, and said, there is nothing we can do for you anymore.  We had told him we were taking an extended vacation in September, and he smiled.  "I wouldn't wait if I were you!"  Oh, that's just great to hear.  Then he started going into details about what my last days would be like.
He had no encouragement at all, and quickly left the room, I would imagine, to ruin someone else's day.  He did prescribe a drug called, Lonsurf.  This drug has been on the market a few months, and the clinical trials, showed that it was no better than a placebo.   It must be good for something as it costs $13,000/month.
Who the hell are these Doctors and Pharmacists that come up with this crap.  All along, I had been complaining about a lump under my incision.  It's a very painful little beast.  One doctor says it's a tumor, and the others say not to worry about it.  I haven't seen any of my CT Scans through this whole thing.  I'm beginning to wonder if there is anything wrong at all, other than what they are telling me.
Alex Trebek recently shared his devastating cancer diagnosis with fans. In March 2019, the 78-year-old revealed that he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  Your basically doomed if you get that diagnosis, but strangely he announced remission a month later.
These are all things I have been thinking about for the past months.

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